Hi! We’re Jon and Tiffany.
We started this site because we believe in the power of non-profits to do good in the world. There are so many organizations out there that are doing amazing work. And of course, the focus of those organizations is generally on the service delivery side, as it should be.

What tends to happen, though, is that the administrative stuff gets a little overlooked. You know - the accounting, IT, data, and reporting. The boring business-y stuff! That’s where Coaching For Non Profits comes in. To help you run your organizations with less pain and effort - through easy to understand and action tips, tricks and training.

Jon Lam, CFA

Simply put, I’m an A to Z person. Tell me where you are and where you want to go, and I’ll help you get there. Whether that’s re-orienting your financial systems to give you want you need, or revamping your tech and data infrastructure - I have specific experience to help you get there.

I’ve spent 20 years working with non- profits - from being on the board of Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary for 11 years, including 2 as treasurer and finance chair, to working as Director of Finance for BGCC to
National Director of Finance, Risk & IT at Windmill Microlending where we’ve (so far) tripled the # of clients we serve, and raised over $15MM in one of Canada’s most successful Social Impact Bonds.

Tiffany Lee, CPA CMA

Hi! My background is in the corporate world - in accounting, planning and forecasting. Whereas the experience doesn’t directly map to non-profits, I bring a set of fresh eyes to the problems we discuss.

My areas of interest include the emotional intelligence aspects of running an organization - from imposter syndrome to resistance to change, as well as more advanced financial planning and design.
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